Bent County Public Health has served the communities of Las Animas, Hasty and McClave for more than 45 years, when the Bent County Nursing Service formed in 1976. The mission of Bent County Public Health is to; prevent disease, injury, and disability and promote physical and mental health. Services provided by the agency include home health services; administration of the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program; and serving as the Single-Entry Point in Bent County for healthcare services, as well as, providing public health information and services to the county. The agency also has extensive experience managing grant-funded programs and collaborating with other community agencies to ensure that county residents are receiving the healthcare services they require.

The Bent County Public Health Board of Health Meetings are held each month at the Bent County Public Health Offices
at 701 Park Ave in Las Animas, Colorado
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month.
For more information, please call our office.

Executive Director

Office Manager

Business Administrator

WIC Educator

Public Health Nurse

RN/Interim HH Director






Physical Therapist

Lactation Consultant

Community HealthCare Worker
